Intermediate - Writing A Burn Plan
This course will be a hands-on workshop that walks participants through all parts of the California Standardized Burn Plan Template (from CAL FIRE). We’ll look at a possible burn area, identify “unit” boundaries, list burn objectives, describe fuels and the site, and identify needed pre-burn treatments. Develop a basic “prescription” that includes the weather conditions that would be safe to burn in and ensure that the fire has low flames and is slow. Basic “firing” and “holding” plans will be developed, including how the prescribed burn would be lit and fire carried through the area, while making sure that it stays in control. How to identify and describe what is needed for water on the burn and number and experience level of people. We will cover how to write steps in the plan to avoid unwanted effects, such as killing large trees and threats to homes or water lines etc.. Finally, last but not least, how to make sure the fire is fully out and a plan for monitoring and patrol.
The RCD Prescribed Fire Team will be co-teaching this workshop. Jennifer Rain Crosby - Prescribed Fire Community Outreach Coordinator, Haley Cooperguard – Prescribed Fire Operations Manager, and Jo Ann Fites-Kaufman – California Certified Burn Boss, retired US Forest Service Fire Scientist, and volunteer RCD Board Member.
Location: TBA