Bark Beetle Infestation

California is is still suffering from a massive outbreak of bark beetles attacking drought-stressed pine and cedar trees. To date, the combination of drought and bark beetles has killed 129 million trees in California. The obvious impacts of the beetle outbreak on our trees have led to widespread concern among Nevada County residents.
Dead trees near homes, roads, and public infrastructure create a fire hazard and public safety concern, so it’s critical that residents remove their dead trees and reduce their wildfire risk” said Helge Eng, CAL FIRE’s deputy director of resource management.
The winter months typically provide a good time for landowners to remove dead trees as bark beetle activity generally slows when temperatures drop below 50ºF and the beetles slow their eating. During other times of the year, when the beetles are more active, trees with fresh cuts, and chipped trees will actually attract beetles allowing them to spread to other trees. Once a tree is infested with bark beetles, there is little that can be done to save the tree and it can be dead in three to four weeks. Below you will find information about whom to contact regarding this issue.
If you have questions about bark beetles, we have an Advisory Visit Program that offers landowners personalized assistance with the natural resources management of their property.