Forest Pests

Forest pest management is primarily focused on preventing the entry and spread of invasive species while maintaining the woodland’s biological health. Pest control options include biological, mechanical, and chemical methods, typically depending upon the damage-causing species.
Common Forest Insects
- Ambrosia Beetles of Western Conifers
- Black Pineleaf Scale
- Black-Headed Budworm in Western U.S.
- Bronze Birch Borer
- California Five Spined Ips
- California Flatheaded Borer
- California Oakworm
- Carpenterworm
- Controlling Bark beetles in Wood Residue and Firewood
- Diprionid Sawflies on Lodgepole and Ponderosa Pines
- Douglas Fir Beetle
- Fir Engraver Beetle
- Fir Tree Borer
- Forest Tent Caterpillar
- Goldspotted Oak Borer
- Insect Eyes
- Invasive Bark Beetles
- Ips Beetles in California Pines
- Jeffrey Pine Beetle
- Lodgepole Needle Miner
- Managing Bark Beetles in Urban and Rural Trees
- Managing Elm Leaf Beetle
- Monterey Pine Ips
- Mountain Pine Beetle
- Pandora Moth
- Pine Butterfly
- Pine Engraver in the Western U.S.
- Pine Looper
- Pine Needle-Sheath Miner
- Pine Reproduction Weevil
- Ponderosa Pine Tip Moth
- Ponderosa Pine Twig Scale
- Red Turpentine Beetle
- Sequoia Pitch Moth – Enemy of 5 California Pines
- Silver Fir Beetle and Fir Root Bark Beetle
- Sugar Pine Cone Beetle
- Tuliptree Scale
- Western Pine Beetle
- Western Tent Caterpillar
- Western Tussock Moth
Common Forest Diseases
- Armillaria Root Disease
- Atropellis Canker of Pines
- Black Stain Root Disease of Conifers
- Black Stain Root Disease of Ponderosa and Jeffrey Pines in California
- Brown-Spot Needle Blight of Pines
- Cankers on Western Quaking Aspen
- Cytospora Canker of True Firs
- Dothistroma Needle Blight of Pines
- Douglas-Fir Dwarf Mistletoe
- Dwarf Mistletoes in California
- Dwarf Mistletoes of Ponderosa Pine
- Elytroderma Disease in Ponderosa Pine
- Fir Dwarf Mistletoe
- Gray Pine Dwarf Mistletoe
- Hemlock Dwarf Mistletoe
- Laminated Root Rot of Western Conifers
- Lodgepole Pine Dwarf Mistletoe
- Madrone Canker in California
- Mistletoes on Hard Woods in the U.S.
- Phoradendron on Conifers
- Pitch Canker Disease in California
- Port-Orford-Cedar Root Disease
- Rust-Red Stringy Rot Caused by Indian Paint Fungus
- Schweinitzii Root and Butt Rot of Western Conifers
- Sugar Pine and Western White Pine Dwarf Mistletoe
- Western Gall Rust in Hard Pines
- Western Pines and Western Gall Rust
- White Pine Blister Rust in California