
Raising livestock for commercial farming can be a profitable, but understanding the requirements for buying, growing, trading, processing and selling livestock requires a number choices that will be specific to the capacity of your property.
Owning livestock on small holdings requires good planning and understanding of livestock needs. Meeting your livestock’s needs (for movement, pastures, feeding and water) and managing animals can be challenging.
Nevada County Chicken OrdinanceGrass Valley Chicken OrdinanceSelecting Chickens for Home UsePortable Pen Designs for Pastured PoultryChickens at School
Using Goats to Control Brush Regrowth on FuelbreaksRaising Dairy Goat KidsOutlook for a Small Farm Meat Goad Industry CaliforniaGeneral Information on GoatsGoats – Free Range Landscaping
Sheep Care GuideRecommendation for Domestic Sheep and Goat Management in WIld Sheep Habitat
Swine Care PracticesSwine Care and ManagementInformation Resources on Swine Housing Care and Welfare
Transitioning from Feed to GrassHorse Pasture Management – Basic Land Stewardship ConceptsEstablishing and Managing Irrigated Pasture for Horses
General Information
Using Livestock Grazing as a Resource Management Tool in CaliforniaThe Benefits of GrazingRange Management Factors and Practices that Influence Livestock DistributionPlacing Livestock without the aid of FencesMulti-species GrazingLivestock Poisoning Plants of CaliforniaGeneral Livestock Management during DroughtCode Compliance Division Animal Keeping and Raising RegulationsCivil Liabilities for Livestock Damage