RX Fire Resources
The ABC's of Prescribed Burning
The ABC's of prescribed burning covers all of the basics of prescribed burning. From what you need to get ready all the way to making sure the fire is out. These resources aren’t a substitute for hands-on learning and experience. Just like getting a driver’s license, you don’t just take a written test. You also have to learn how to drive with someone that knows and get some experience. But they will get your started and if you are already burning, help you to conduct safe, legal and responsible burns. And get the results you want, whether it is making your defensible space around your home safer, getting more native plants, or making your forest healthier.
What is prescribed burning and why is it important?
Preparing to burn. Clearing ladder fuels and reducing hazards. Building control lines.
Basic steps to conduct a burn: before, during and after. Organize people to help, water, and burn safely, legally and responsibly. Managing smoke and making sure the fire is out!
How to write a simple burn plan, with the CAL FIRE template. Getting permits. Reducing your liability.
Tools of the Trade. Safety gear, tools to build control line and use during a burn, water systems.
Basic fire behavior (how hot and fast), fuel types and how they burn, and how fire effects plants and soil. Ways to use fire to get the results you want like reducing fuels, enhancing native plants, making forests healthier and less dense.
CAL FIRE will require permits for all burning activities (broadcast, agricultural, and residential pile burning). You will need to apply for a BURN PERMIT using the CAL FIRE online platform. If you’d prefer a paper application, visit your local CAL FIRE station.
There are 3 general categories of burn permits:
- Residential burn permits LE-62A (4 foot x 4 foot piles)
- General burn permits LE-5 (piles larger than 4x4 or agricultural burning)
- Broadcast burn permits LE-7/8 (broadcast or underburning in timber litter/grass)
Residents wishing to burn MUST verify it is a permissive burn day prior to burning by contacting their local air district. If you are broadcast burning, you will need to get a burn permit from the air district as well.
Nevada County Residents: Northern Sierra Air quality Management District 530-274-7928
Important: If you are located within city limits of Truckee, please contact Truckee Fire Protection District for specific permit requirements.
- Applications may be obtained through their website and residents must adhere to permissible burn days through their local air district.
To find out whether your burning location is located inside Truckee Fire (LRA), Auburn Fire (LRA) or CAL FIRE’s jurisdiction, please reference CAL FIRE’s Burn Permit Responsibility Area Viewer website.
Resources for landowners with great basic information on prescribed burning:
- California Prescribed Burn Association, calpba.org - lots of inspiration and resources here!
- Download a simple burn plan that works for most landowners. The PBA can help you develop your map, burn prescription, etc. , or you can work directly with CAL FIRE and do it on your own.
- Download a longer burn plan template that works for more complex burns
- "Liability Explainer": What Happens If Something Goes Wrong During A Burn or Burn Prep
- CAL FIRE webpage where you can learn about and apply for burn permits (pile broadcast/ understory/area burns, oversize burn piles or many piles, biochar kilns)
- Permissible burn day information: Northern Sierra Air Quality Management District (NSAQMD)
- More in-depth information from Oregon State University Extension covering:
- Prescribed Fire: Why we burn
- The Ecological Effects of Fire
- Fire Behavior
- Fuels
- Planning a Prescribed Burn
- Carrying out and Managing a Prescribed Burn
- Fire Weather
- Smoke Management
- Ignition Techniques and Tools
- Monitoring and Evaluation